May the Peace of the Lord be with you! The Provincial Custody of St Anthony of Padua in Ghana has just welcomed twelve new friars into the Conventual fraternity. On July 30, 2022, these twelve young men made their first profession of vows at the St. Francis of Assisi Novitiate/Friary in Saltpond, Ghana. Seven of the twelve are members of the Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana. The other five are from the Provincial Delegation in Burkina Faso. 

The Minister General, Friar Carlos Alberto TROVARELLI, received their vows. The Assistant General for the African Federation of Conventual Franciscans (AFCOF), Friar Anthony Bezo KUTIERO, and the Minister Provincial of the Italian Province of St. Anthony of Padua (Northern Italy), Friar Roberto BRANDINELLI, were also present. It was a colorful celebration with many friars attending, together with religious from other congregations. The Minister General presided over the Mass and the Minister Provincial gave the homily. We wish these newly professed friars peace, joy and fulfillment in their vocation. The newly professed friars from Ghana are Friars Godwin Kwame CHIKPAH, Paul TENGYANG, Sebastian Peeh LANGO, Stephen ODURO, John Kennedy KOKOIH, Clement Tumaku YAO, and Bright AHIAKU. The newly professed friars from Burkina Faso are Friars Grégoire Koama PINDRUENDE, Séverin NAYAGA, Jean-Marc Komi ADEDJE, Paul Ramde KOUDWIOUGOU, and Francois D’Assise YAMEOGO.

Friar Francis Pascal AFFUM, Custodial Secretary

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